Always keeping your health and the health of our planet at the forefront of everything we do

Promising a dual focus on your health and the health of our planet

We have carefully chosen our ingredients to support your nutritional requirements. We are committed to using only active ingredients and avoid unnecessary additives which do not provide any nutritional value and may have a detrimental effect on the efficacy of the supplements.

We package our supplements in biodegradable containers made from naturally occurring minerals and plant-based materials which can be digested by naturally occurring organisms. Our labels are completely biodegradable and made using verified sustainable and renewable resources.

Our Vision

Our vision is to help people attain a high degree of health and wellbeing using an additive free approach to nutritional supplements and an environmentally friendly approach to packaging. We are committed to embedding sustainability into our core vision. We are proud to have created a product keeping both your health and the health of our planet in mind.

An estimated 2.3 billion supplement bottles are sold every year and the majority of these are plastic, creating a huge amount of plastic waste from this industry alone

  • Sempre supplements are manufactured using 100% renewable energy

  • At Sempre we believe we have an ethical duty to protect the health of our ecosystems

  • Sempre Supplements support a future which is free of plastic waste

Sempre supports a future which is free of plastic waste by using completely biodegradable packaging

The material used for our supplement containers is an award winning alternative to conventional petroleum-based plastics, which biodegrades without leaving any permanent microplastics behind.

Click here to find out more about Sempre’s sustainable packaging solutions