An estimated 2.3 billion supplement bottles are sold every year and the majority of these are plastic, creating a huge amount of plastic waste for this industry alone…

Sempre use a completely biodegradable and award winning alternative to conventional plastics and glass bottles

The negative impact the supplement industry has on the planet is huge but it is not insurmountable. It can be overturned if the industry incorporates more sustainable solutions-packaging is one of the industry’s more prominent issues. Plastic containers are used by some companies as they are inexpensive and lightweight. 79% of these plastic containers end up in landfills while approximately 17% are combusted. This is a leading cause of climate change and acidification of our oceans. Although some plastic waste is recycled half of it is shipped to countries with poor waste management systems where it is discarded or burned affecting the environment and the people in it.

8 million tonnes of plastic enter our oceans every year; it breaks down into tiny pieces called micro plastics-these micro plastics are consumed by marine life and cause damage to our land.

In order to move away from plastic some companies have converted to using glass bottles. Although this is a more environmentally conscious packaging solution it is not perfect. Glass jars can be up to 40 times heavier than plastic alternatives and so use more emissions in transportation alone. Glass also requires sand to be manufactured and most of this is harvested from riverbeds and oceans damaging their ecosystems and leaving shore communities open to flooding and erosion. Glass jars are also only recycled 33% of the time with a huge amount ending up in landfills where it can take 1 million years to completely biodegrade.

At Sempre we use a completely biodegradable award winning alternative to conventional plastics and glass bottles

We are conscious about the impact the supplement industry has on the environment